Farewell my friends!

     Eight months passed by in a heartbeat, and I can barely believe that its all over. Saying good bye hurts a lot more than I expected, but it always does. I vaguely remember I time back home when I was stressed out and filled with anxiety. Worried that I was putting my life on hold and not getting anything in return. I felt like I was going away forever, and it was a frightening feeling. Even after first arriving in PG I felt like time was moving in slowmotion and I wasnt sure if I had made the right decision.
     As many times before I was proven wrong. I hardly noticed how time passed, and all of a sudden, I was at the end. I got a lot in return, there has been so many good times that I cant even begin to recall them all, and there has been even more great people coming my way. So I guess all I can do is to be thankful for what I have. If the world was a perfect place I would put pieces of PG in little bottles and take them home with me. 
     All in all, Canada definately had its good moments. I liked getting As in school, but thats mainly because Im a snob. Apple fritters are to die for, and coffee on the go just means that you can have coffee more often. Country music rules, dressing up for Halloween can be very interesting, bad hockey is still fun and snow isnt all that bad. Being able to buy alcohol at any given time did not turn me in to an alcoholic and maple syrup is pretty good on pancakes. 
     Its never over for certain though, I will be making an appearnce in PG in July but things will never be the same again. And there is always Facebook, and all those pictures of me looking stupid in various settings with my good friends there by my side, making sure that I look even more stupid. Back home I sure wont miss people making fun of me for my accent, but then again, I wont be as cool and exotic. Well, Im always cool.
      I learned a lot about my self in these passed months. I learned that Im not a real Swede because Im not blond and tall, that I rock in two languages and that it is possible for me to survive in negative 30 degrees. I had a fun time letting my inner sixteen year old boy blossom too, I have bruises to prove it. I think him and I need to hang out more. So, thanks for making me laugh, getting me to do stuff I would normaly never do and for correcting my faulty english, I will miss you.

No one knows about the future so Ill just wait and see whats next, but there might be a very lucrative marriage in mine, so maybe one day Ill be a true Canadian after all.

Postat av: Victoria

Je t'aime moi non plus Sverige.

2008-04-22 @ 20:35:51
Postat av: Sara

Nu är det dags att uppdatera om vad som händer!!

Postat av: Hanna

Jag håller med!
Är riktigt sugen på att veta vad som händer där borta! :)

2008-05-08 @ 19:11:11
URL: http://ukura.blogspot.com

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